George Farren: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

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Roedd '''George Farren''' (1836-1901) yn reolwr [[Chwarel yr Eifl]], [[Trefor]]. Fe gafodd ei eni yn Llundain, yn fab hynaf bargyfreithiwr, yntau'n George Farren.
Roedd '''George Farren''' (1836-1901) yn reolwr [[Chwarel yr Eifl]], [[Trefor]]. Fe gafodd ei eni yn Llundain, yn fab hynaf bargyfreithiwr, yntau'n George Farren. Ar ôl derbyn hyfforddiant i fod yn bensaer, cafodd ei benodi gan gwmni adeiladu mawr Freeman, gan fod yn gyfrifol am y gwaith cerrig yn Nociau Surrey, ar oleudy Hanois ar Ynys Geurnsey, ac ar strwythurau ar Reilffordd Ymestynnol Gorllewin Llundain. ) 1863 hyd 1867, cafodd waith fel rheolwr cyffredinol a pheiriannydd Cwmni Ithfaen Ynys Wair (Lundy).
Ym 1868, cafodd swydd debyg gan y [[Cwmni Ithfaen Cymreig]] ac yn y man fe ddaeth yn Reolwr Cyfarwyddwr y cwmni hwnnw. Datblygodd chwareli'r cwmni ger [[Trefor]] yn gyflym dan ei reolaeth. Fo oedd yn gyfrifol am adeiladu [[Harbwr Trefor]] lle gellai llongau stêm o hyd at 500 tunelledd lwytho, am adeiladu system o 5 inclèin, ryw 1880 llath o hyd i gyd, a gweithdy i drwsio a chynnal peiriannau ac injans stem y cwmni. Datblygodd ymhellach y gwaith o adeiladu [[Pentref mopdel Trefor|pentref Trefor]], yr oedd y cyn reolwr [[Trefor JOnes]] wedi dechrau arno, ynghyd ag eglwys ac ysgol, a gosod traeniau effeithiol trwy'r pentref.
The  quarries of the West Granite Company at Llanaelhaiarn developed rapidly  under Mr. Farren’s  management,  and now  form the  staple  industry of a large  district,  and provide  employment for a great  number of men. Among the works  which he designed  and  constructed for the  Welsh  Granite Company may  be mentioned Trevor  Harbour at Llanaelhaiarn,  which now forms a small  harbour of refuge  wherein steamers up  to 500 tons  burden  are  regularly loaded, five inclines of a total  length of 1,880 yards,  and a ‘factory for the  repair  and maintenance of the company’s works and locomotives. He also laid out,  designed Downloaded by [] on [19/02/20]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
Obitnq.] GEORGE FARREN. 315 and constructed  the  village of Trevor,  with a  church  and school- house, and efficient drainage. In 1895-96 he designed and  carried out  the works  for the  Gwylwyr  quarry,  including a  landing-stage running  into  the dpen  sea, and a  3-fOOt gauge  railway. Mr. Farren’s relations  with  his workmen  were good; he took considerable interest  in  their welfare, and  in  that of their families, and  when from time  to  time  disputes arose, they were, as a  rule, amicably settled. He was  a member of the  Carnarvon  Harbour Trust, and,  in  that capacity, made a study of the formation of sandbanks  in  the Menai Straits,  and of the means of preventing the  silting  up of the  navigable channel.  A member of the Carnarvon  County Council since its formation, he acted as Chair- man of its Light  Railways Committee. For  many years he  sat on the  magisterial  bench, being, at  the  time of his  death, senior magistrate of the  Carnarvon  county division, and  in 1899 he acted as  High Sheriff of the  county, Mr. Farren  contributed  several papers to  the Liverpool Engineering Society,’ of which  he  was  President  in  the  year 1897. He was  also  a member of the  Statistical Society. He died at his residence, Trefenai, Carnarvon, on the  10th  April, 1901. Mr. Farren  was elected an Associate of the  Institution on the 14th  January, 1868, was  subsequently placed in  the class of Associate  Members, and  was  transferred to  the class of Members on the  15th Decem 1896

Fersiwn yn ôl 09:56, 20 Chwefror 2020

Roedd George Farren (1836-1901) yn reolwr Chwarel yr Eifl, Trefor. Fe gafodd ei eni yn Llundain, yn fab hynaf bargyfreithiwr, yntau'n George Farren. Ar ôl derbyn hyfforddiant i fod yn bensaer, cafodd ei benodi gan gwmni adeiladu mawr Freeman, gan fod yn gyfrifol am y gwaith cerrig yn Nociau Surrey, ar oleudy Hanois ar Ynys Geurnsey, ac ar strwythurau ar Reilffordd Ymestynnol Gorllewin Llundain. ) 1863 hyd 1867, cafodd waith fel rheolwr cyffredinol a pheiriannydd Cwmni Ithfaen Ynys Wair (Lundy).

Ym 1868, cafodd swydd debyg gan y Cwmni Ithfaen Cymreig ac yn y man fe ddaeth yn Reolwr Cyfarwyddwr y cwmni hwnnw. Datblygodd chwareli'r cwmni ger Trefor yn gyflym dan ei reolaeth. Fo oedd yn gyfrifol am adeiladu Harbwr Trefor lle gellai llongau stêm o hyd at 500 tunelledd lwytho, am adeiladu system o 5 inclèin, ryw 1880 llath o hyd i gyd, a gweithdy i drwsio a chynnal peiriannau ac injans stem y cwmni. Datblygodd ymhellach y gwaith o adeiladu pentref Trefor, yr oedd y cyn reolwr Trefor JOnes wedi dechrau arno, ynghyd ag eglwys ac ysgol, a gosod traeniau effeithiol trwy'r pentref.

The quarries of the West Granite Company at Llanaelhaiarn developed rapidly under Mr. Farren’s management, and now form the staple industry of a large district, and provide employment for a great number of men. Among the works which he designed and constructed for the Welsh Granite Company may be mentioned Trevor Harbour at Llanaelhaiarn, which now forms a small harbour of refuge wherein steamers up to 500 tons burden are regularly loaded, five inclines of a total length of 1,880 yards, and a ‘factory for the repair and maintenance of the company’s works and locomotives. He also laid out, designed Downloaded by [] on [19/02/20]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. Obitnq.] GEORGE FARREN. 315 and constructed the village of Trevor, with a church and school- house, and efficient drainage. In 1895-96 he designed and carried out the works for the Gwylwyr quarry, including a landing-stage running into the dpen sea, and a 3-fOOt gauge railway. Mr. Farren’s relations with his workmen were good; he took considerable interest in their welfare, and in that of their families, and when from time to time disputes arose, they were, as a rule, amicably settled. He was a member of the Carnarvon Harbour Trust, and, in that capacity, made a study of the formation of sandbanks in the Menai Straits, and of the means of preventing the silting up of the navigable channel. A member of the Carnarvon County Council since its formation, he acted as Chair- man of its Light Railways Committee. For many years he sat on the magisterial bench, being, at the time of his death, senior magistrate of the Carnarvon county division, and in 1899 he acted as High Sheriff of the county, Mr. Farren contributed several papers to the Liverpool Engineering Society,’ of which he was President in the year 1897. He was also a member of the Statistical Society. He died at his residence, Trefenai, Carnarvon, on the 10th April, 1901. Mr. Farren was elected an Associate of the Institution on the 14th January, 1868, was subsequently placed in the class of Associate Members, and was transferred to the class of Members on the 15th Decem 1896

Mae'r erthygl hon yn eginyn. Gallwch helpu prosiect Cof y Cwmwd drwy ychwanegu ati . Mae manylion am sut i wneud hyn yma
