Tywydd Uwchgwyrfai: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau
Llifon (sgwrs | cyfraniadau) |
Llifon (sgwrs | cyfraniadau) |
Llinell 28: | Llinell 28: | ||
Mae Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892 in gyforiog o gofnodion diddorol am ei deithiau i bedwar ban. Dyma ychydig enghreifftiau (rhai yn adlewyrchu gwerthoedd ei gyfnod): | Mae Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892 in gyforiog o gofnodion diddorol am ei deithiau i bedwar ban. Dyma ychydig enghreifftiau (rhai yn adlewyrchu gwerthoedd ei gyfnod): | ||
Cape Verde I[slands] 29 1 1884 Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892: | Cape Verde I[slands] 29 1 1884 Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892:</br>''Strong breeze and dull 1st part, very clear 2nd part. Arrived at St Vincent Is of [sic] the Cape De Verd I. at 7.20 Few of the passengers left us here (3rd class boats full of fruits were alongside. Manned by niggers some of th niggers were well dressed, others naked (most of the boys). The passengers were throwing money over the side and the little niggers use to dive for the money though the place full of sharks. The sailors changed their meat for oranges from the boats.'' | ||
''Strong breeze and dull 1st part, very clear 2nd part. Arrived at St Vincent Is of [sic] the Cape De Verd I. at 7.20 Few of the passengers left us here (3rd class boats full of fruits were alongside. Manned by niggers some of th niggers were well dressed, others naked (most of the boys). The passengers were throwing money over the side and the little niggers use to dive for the money though the place full of sharks. The sailors changed their meat for oranges from the boats.'' |
Fersiwn yn ôl 15:07, 18 Ebrill 2018
Mwynhaodd, dioddeddefodd a chofnododd trigolion Cwmwd Uwchgwyrfai dywydd obob math dros y canrifoedd.
Ystadegau tywydd
Gorsafoedd cofnodi agosaf
Gorsaf Gwelfa, Llanfaglan (data Ifor Williams IW)
Chwyrndafliad (precipitation)
Cofnodion tywydd am y cwmwd
Afon Llyfnwy, Pont y Cim 1612: John Love (Dyfyniad o`r Llyfr "O Ben Ll?n I Lle bu Lleu" (1985) Cyngor Gwasg Gwynedd)
Ar noson dymhestlog yng ngaeaf 1612, pan oedd y glaw yn pistyllio, a`r cornentydd hyd lechweddau`r mynyddoedd yn chwyddo`r afon Llyfnwy dros ei glannau, mentrodd mab Elernion, Llanaelhaearn, gadw`r oed a`i gariadferch yn Eithinog Wen. Rhaid oedd iddo groesi`r afon, lle saif Pont y Cim heddiw, ond oherwydd nerth a ffyrnigrwydd y dyfroedd collodd y march ei draed a boddodd y ddau yn nyfroedd y Llyfnwy.
Cofnodion tywydd gan drigolion y cwmwd o fannau eraill
Mae Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892 in gyforiog o gofnodion diddorol am ei deithiau i bedwar ban. Dyma ychydig enghreifftiau (rhai yn adlewyrchu gwerthoedd ei gyfnod):
Cape Verde I[slands] 29 1 1884 Dyddiadur llong David Thomas, (Llandwrog) 1884-1892:
Strong breeze and dull 1st part, very clear 2nd part. Arrived at St Vincent Is of [sic] the Cape De Verd I. at 7.20 Few of the passengers left us here (3rd class boats full of fruits were alongside. Manned by niggers some of th niggers were well dressed, others naked (most of the boys). The passengers were throwing money over the side and the little niggers use to dive for the money though the place full of sharks. The sailors changed their meat for oranges from the boats.